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Google Announces Major AdWords Changes putting Mobile First

30 May 2016, by Lottie Joy in PPC, GoogleAds.

AdWords Re-imagined for the Mobile-First World

Google Reacts to the New World

New Google AdWords Ad Layout

New Google AdWords Ad Layout
New Google AdWords Ad Layout
Summary of New Google AdWords Changes
Summary of New Google AdWords Changes

New Responsive Ads for Display

New Responsive ads for display adapt to fit any app or site on the Google Display Network
New Responsive ads for display adapt to fit any app or site on the Google Display Network

Different Strokes for Different Folks

New Location Based Ads

New Ad Formats to Encourage Store Visits

New Google Location Based Ads in Maps - the promoted pin and new business page
New Google Location Based Ads in Maps – the promoted pin and new business page

New Technology to Tie Online Ads to In-store Activity

Similar Audiences for Search Ad Targeting

Ch, ch, ch, ch, Changes…..