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Search Engine Ranking Factors, Advertising, Christmas and Happiness

Peter’s Blog Star Date 14th August 2015

I got 99 problems but the keyword ain’t one

Technical Factors

  • Technical factors continue to be important for achieving high rankings with good content and not likely to change.
  • Significance of “keyword” factor continues to decline
  • Ever increasing number of pages are highly optimized and feature a meta description as well as H-tags. This means, in addition to improved crawlability, an enhanced user experience.
  • Page documents getting larger but average loading time of top 30 results falling.
  • Domains with high SEO Visibility have higher rankings

User Experience Factors

  • Percentage of websites in top 30 rankings integrating Google AdSense ads is declining
  • Content of higher ranking pages are better structured, contain more interactive elements and are more comprehensible and interpretable for both users and robots.
  • Top positions dominated by responsive sites and those which don’t use Flash.
  • User signals are essential for content and rankings. Reaction of users offers search engines direct feedback about their satisfaction with content.
Be Responsive but Don’t Use Flash
Be Responsive but Don’t Use Flash

Content Factors

  • Content of top 30 pages has become more extensive; average text length has increased yet again (25% more than 2014)
  • Content has also become more holistic. Popularity of proof terms remains unchanged at high level – percentage of websites that use relevant terms has increased.
  • Though longer and more holistic, the complexity of content has decreased
  • Importance of keywords in internal and external links declined.
  • Pages with most relevant content for a search query likely to rank better.
  • Keywords are natural part of content but not significant without relevant content and logical context.
  • Relevance and text length go hand in hand. Good idea to write longer texts, with relevant sub-topics

Social Factors

  • Social correlations remain high, however, questions about real impact of social signals on rankings remain. More likely that social signals are one of several signals to show search engines where and what new and relevant content is.

Backlink Factors

  • Statistically backlinks still prerequisite to high rankings and correlations between respective ranking factors correspondingly high.
  • Relevance of links will decline in favour of other factors in future.
  • In backlink anchor text, domain name increasingly occurs instead of the keyword and now refer more to deep link URLs. This probably relates to Google’s attempts to combat “unnatural” link formation and rollout of Penguin 3.0.
  • Proportion of nofollow backlinks has increased strongly

Summing Up

2015 Ranking Factors Infographic image credit:
2015 Ranking Factors Infographic image credit:

Anything You Can Do……

Christmas is coming……

Christmas is Coming
Christmas is Coming

Happy Talk


It pays to advertise

So, until the next scintillating instalment……..